
Well, once again we had a cooking-less week. Pleh. I really have gotten attached to cooking and to have to go through the week without doing so actually gets me a little down

But onward we press. I decided that since I didn't have a ton of recipes to shove down your throat I'd as you, the readers, a question:

What's your cooking style?

Me, I'm definitely a mise en place enthusiast: get everything out, set it on the counter, methodically use all of your ingredients and wash your stuff as you move along. Makes for less clean up (sometimes) and orderly cooking; it also prevents me from missing a ingredient or a step.

As for the actual recipe, I have a magnet with a clip on it (an Aloha shirt; we got it in Hawaii) that I hang onto the smoke vent above the stove and let the recipe hang in front of me so I can read it as I work along.

I love having the right tool for the right situation, but I never let that get me down; I'll improvise if needed. I won't let it stop me from doing a recipe or a style of cooking if I really want to do it.

Anyway, please share your methods and techniques: I'm curious!


Emily said...

Have you ever read Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain? You might really enjoy it---I did.

I don't really have a technique. Currently I am definitely a "recipe follower". I want to branch out and become more comfortable with improvising on a recipe and what not. I actually did this a little bit on my corn chowder in my blog and was proud that I branched out from the recipe and added my own touches. I wish I was a "clean as you go" person, but I am not. Actually, Aaron usually cleans up since I cook. That agreement works pretty well :)

Unknown said...

i also get everything out of the counter and have it ready.i am also a clean as you go girl.
i hate having a huge mess to clean up after you've eaten and are ready to relax!

Jenevieve said...

I wish I was a mise en place kinda person, but I'm really not. I do like cleaning as I go, though, especially with big meals. (actually, when you have as few dishes and utensils as we do-- one whisk! one big spoon! one spatula!-- you don't really have a choice)

As per recipes, I usually try to follow a recipe the 1st time I make it, then branch out from there. But I don't sweat if I'm missing uncrucial ingredients.